rank checker old

Free google keyword rank checker. Insert your domain name and keyword, you will find your rank if you are at top 10 pages. If you found your rank is 26 , that mean you are at page 2.

Find your google keyword rank

Put only domain name (example.com)
Put keyword (my keyword)

”) {
$_SESSION[‘domain’] = $_POST[‘domain’];
$_SESSION[‘keyword’] = $_POST[‘keyword’];

function main (){

$domain = $_SESSION[‘domain’];
$key = $_SESSION[‘keyword’];

session_destroy ();

$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$dir = $upload_dir[‘basedir’].”/seo/”;
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
mkdir($dir, 0777, true);

$dir = $dir.”$ip”;
// echo $dir;

if (!file_exists(“$dir”)) {
$file = fopen(“$dir”,”w”);
echo fwrite($file,”1″);
deleteOldFile($dir); // Delete files older then today
$homepage = file_get_contents($dir);

if ($homepage == 11 ) {
echo ”

Sorry, 10 search per day

$position = position($domain,$key,10);
echo ”
position $position”;
if ($positio > 200) echo ”
Keyword not found in first 10 pages Keyword : $key Domain : $domain
else echo ”
Keyword : $key
Domain : $domain
Rank : $position
echo ”

Search limit 10 , Currently searching $homepage

file_put_contents($dir, $homepage);



function position($site,$search_query,$end){
$search_query = str_replace(‘ ‘, ‘%20’, $search_query );
$end = $end * 10;
$key = “AIzaSyA-dg-22b1jqzkfSPENomEXgQrgSLCe3sE”;

for ($start=1;$start=>$end; $start=$start+10){ $count=$start+10; $amazon_url= “https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=”.$key.”&cx=”.$cx.”=json&start=”.$start.”&count=”.$count.”&q=”.$search_query; $amazon_url = str_replace(‘ ‘, ”, $amazon_url); //echo $amazon_url; $google_search = file_get_contents($amazon_url) ;//or die(print_r(error_get_last())); $jsonstore = json_decode($google_search,true); foreach ($jsonstore[‘items’] as $address){ sleep(.01); if (strpos($address[‘displayLink’], $site) > 0)
$search_query = str_replace(‘%20′,’ ‘, $search_query );
//echo ”
“. $search_query .” rank is “. $rank;
return $rank;

//echo “items $rank:” . $address[‘displayLink’] .”

return 9999;

function deleteOldFile($file) {
$mdate = date(“Ymd”, filemtime($file));
$date = date(“Ymd”);
if ($mdate = $date) { unlink($file); } } ?>

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