SEO Tips for Small Business and Beginners

SEO Tips for Small Business and Beginners

Everyone from small to large businesses and beginners to experts need to learn SEO tips. Creating and publishing a web site is easy. But to have good ranking position in major search engines such as google, you must do and maintain SEO (Search engine optimization) for your business, SEO have unlimited rules and they keep change all the time.

Here are some SEO rules you always need to check at your website:

Page Title : Search engine always check your page title and mostly pick similar titles. For example, if you search for : how to build a tree house without a tree? You will get same synonyms as mach as possible.

Links: Same factor as title, same or similar words search in article or web page.

Content: Your body of article needs to be relevant and must reflective of your page Tittle. You must talk about tree, build and house.

Description: Most of time search engine shows meta deception or first paragraph of pages.

    • Must use <h1> , <h2> tag, all search engine read this tags.
    • Contents not be very small.
    • Try to use SEO keywords frequently.
    • Use some Images, svg extension preferred.
    • Through links to other pages.
    • Update your contents every frequently.
Seo Image
#1 seo example

Image: You have to put images with proper meta tag :

    • Image Title
    • Caption
    • Alt
    • Description
    • Image file name (eg.Build_tree_house_wothout_tree_1.svg)

A optional introduction video which can briefly tell your business history.

A Home page Image slider with good meta tags.

Location : Who are the people going to read it? If you don’t have target customer then don’t tell anything or you can say in California, in Manhattan in NYC and your full address.

Must open bing and google webmaster account and submit your website.

Create sitemap , submit to bing and google

Put robots.txt file.

If it’s business , list in Google and bing map.

Now how much you will spend? Maybe nothing. But if yes, dollar a day is good. Start to pay google, Bing ads and then FB.

  • Links:
    1. Good links are costly. You will get some people professionally do link building.
    2. Do Keywords link.
  • Create Social account for this website : FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and update them when you update your web site.
  • If it is your business, you might open Blog site.
  • Use SSL
  • Avoid high traffic web server.
  • Check your website by 3rd party
    1. Please check your pagespeed by insite :
    2. Optimize your pagespeed by using faster server, Minify Javascript and CSS.
    3. Please check your pagespeed by GTmetrix :
    4. Please check your pagespeed by Dotcom-monitor :
  • Check your rank in
  • Must have Contact us page.
  • Must have product-service page.

You might have more options to do such as, domain choice, website age, how long you are in business and your popularity. If you combine everything it’s a big job. This is the reason you might need SEO experts to do this. You might get few links form friends and family but SEO firms can set 1000 links for you, But I also found some SEO company who didn’t do good job but still in market because they already made customers in there account.

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